Massachusetts Law School 1L Study Guide for Constitutional Law

Massachusetts Law School 1L Study Guide for Constitutional Law

I. Introduction to Constitutional Law

  • The Role of the Constitution: It is the supreme law of the United States, laying out the national frame of government and fundamental principles and rights.
  • Federalism: The relationship between state governments and the federal government. Key concepts include the Supremacy Clause (Article VI) and the Tenth Amendment.

II. Judicial Review

  • Marbury v. Madison: Established the principle of judicial review, which allows courts to declare laws unconstitutional.
    • Issue: Was Marbury entitled to his commission? Could the courts force Madison to deliver the commission?
    • Rule: The Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and it is the duty of the judiciary to interpret it.
    • Analysis: The Judiciary Act of 1789 conflicted with the Constitution because it extended the Court’s original jurisdiction beyond what the Constitution allowed.
    • Conclusion: The Supreme Court has the power to declare laws unconstitutional, but it could not force Madison to deliver the commission.

III. Separation of Powers

  • Checks and Balances: Each branch of government has powers that can be used to check the other branches.
  • Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer: Limited the executive power to seize private property without legislative authorization.
    • Issue: Did the President have the authority to seize and operate the steel mills?
    • Rule: The President’s power must stem either from an act of Congress or from the Constitution itself.
    • Analysis: There was no statute that expressly authorized the President to take possession of private property. The seizure was not within the President’s Article II powers.
    • Conclusion: The seizure of the steel mills was unconstitutional.

IV. The Commerce Clause

  • Gibbons v. Ogden: Established a broad interpretation of the Commerce Clause, granting Congress the power to regulate interstate commerce.
    • Issue: Did New York overstep its powers by granting a monopoly enforceable against vessels licensed under federal law?
    • Rule: The Commerce Clause gives Congress exclusive power over interstate commerce.
    • Analysis: Navigation of interstate waters for the purpose of conductive interstate commerce counts as “commerce.”
    • Conclusion: The New York law was void because it conflicted with federal law.

V. The Spending Clause and Taxing Power

  • South Dakota v. Dole: Upheld the use of conditional federal grants to influence state policy.
    • Issue: Can Congress condition highway funds on states raising the legal drinking age?
    • Rule: Under the Spending Clause, Congress may attach conditions on the receipt of federal funds to influence state policies if certain criteria are met.
    • Analysis: The conditions were for the general welfare, were clear and unambiguous, related to a federal interest in national projects, and did not induce constitutional violations.
    • Conclusion: The conditions on federal highway funds were constitutional.

VI. The Tenth Amendment

  • New York v. United States: Limited the power of Congress to compel states to enact or enforce a federal regulatory program.
    • Issue: Could Congress compel states to take title to nuclear waste?
    • Rule: The Tenth Amendment prohibits federal commandeering of state governments.
    • Analysis: The “take title” provision directed states to regulate according to congressional instruction, which is impermissible commandeering.
    • Conclusion: The provision was unconstitutional.

VII. Substantive Due Process

  • Lochner v. New York: Introduced the concept of substantive due process, scrutinizing the reasonableness of government regulation related to liberty contracts.
    • Issue: Did the New York law violate the liberty protected by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment?
    • Rule: The Due Process Clause protects the right to enter into contracts.
    • Analysis: The law interfered with the freedom of contract without sufficient justification.
    • Conclusion: The law was unconstitutional.

VIII. Equal Protection Clause

  • Brown v. Board of Education: Overturned “separate but equal” doctrine, beginning the process of desegregation in schools.
    • Issue: Does segregation of public schools by race violate the Equal Protection Clause?
    • Rule: Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.
    • Analysis: Segregation generates a feeling of inferiority among minority children.
    • Conclusion: The segregation of public schools based on race violates the Equal Protection Clause.

IX. First Amendment Freedoms

  • Freedom of Speech: Protected by the First Amendment but not absolute; subject to several recognized limitations.
  • Freedom of Religion: Includes the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause, each with a complex body of case law.
  • Freedom of the Press: Protects the right to circulate opinions in print without censorship by the government.

X. Fundamental Rights and the Fourteenth Amendment

  • Roe v. Wade: Established a woman’s right to choose to have an abortion under the right to privacy.
    • Issue: Does the Constitution recognize a woman’s right to terminate her pregnancy by abortion?
    • Rule: The Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment provides a fundamental “right to privacy,” which protects a pregnant woman’s choice.
    • Analysis: The state’s interest must be balanced against the woman’s right to privacy.
    • Conclusion: The Texas statute criminalizing abortion violated the Constitution.

XI. Massachusetts-Specific Constitutional Law

  • Goodridge v. Department of Public Health: Massachusetts Supreme Court ruling that prohibiting same-sex couples from marrying violates the state Constitution.
    • Issue: Does denying marriage licenses to same-sex couples violate the Massachusetts Constitution?
    • Rule: The Massachusetts Constitution affirms the dignity and equality of all individuals and forbids the creation of second-class citizens.
    • Analysis: The state offered no sufficiently compelling interest to justify barring same-sex couples from civil marriage.
    • Conclusion: The prohibition was unconstitutional under the Massachusetts Constitution.

XII. Review and Synthesis

  • Case Synthesis: Draw connections between the cases, noting how each builds upon or distinguishes itself from earlier cases.
  • Principles Application: Regularly practice applying constitutional principles to hypothetical situations in preparation for essay questions.
  • Multiple Choice Strategies: Develop a strategy for answering multiple-choice questions based on recognizing legal issues and applying relevant principles.

XIII. Exam Preparation

  • Practice Exams: Take past exams to become familiar with the format and to test your knowledge under timed conditions.
  • Outlining: Create detailed outlines of each topic covered in class, distilling the key points, and organize them into a manageable study guide.
  • Group Study: Form study groups to discuss and debate key concepts, which can aid in deepening your understanding of complex material.

Remember, this study guide is a starting point for your exam preparation. It’s important to review your class notes, read the cases in full, and consult your textbook and any supplementary materials provided by your professor.

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